Employee Benefit Series: Logiscool Coding Course

Dannielle Cook

This blog is part one of our four-part series on some of the unique employee benefits available to the team at IT Partners. This first article explores our funded coding education scheme for children of the IT Partners team and explores the various benefits of learning web development skills at a young age.

 One of the values we have here at IT Partners is to ‘embrace challenge’ and part of that includes continual learning.  Education opportunities align very closely with our company values and coupled with the importance of coding as a future skill, this opportunity to fund coding courses for children of the IT Partners team seemed a perfect fit.

What is coding?

Put simply, coding is a method of communicating with a computer.  It involves using a language (there are many different programming languages) that a computer understands to give a computer instruction to perform a specific function. Coding gives us the means to create things such as websites, apps, video games etc.

Interest in computer science has boomed in recent years with some kiwi kids learning how to code before high school.  Learning to code doesn’t just set students up for career opportunities later in life; it also offers a host of other skills and benefits, including:

  • Problem solving – coders are constantly challenged and asked to troubleshoot problems. Weaving skills such as creativity, research skills and collaboration, allow young learners the tools to solve problems in the programming environment.
  • Digital Literacy – In the digital age being able to understand and engage with technology is a necessity for navigating a digitized society. Digital-literate children can research topics online. Think critically about the sources they identified. Formulate their own opinions and responses as well as manage their digital presence online.
  • Confidence and Communication Skills – debunking a popular misconception, coding is in fact not a solo activity. Most programmers work in teams and collectively work towards a common goal.
  • Digital Safety – coding teaches children vital digital skills like proper online etiquette, how to protect their identity online and how to identify potential cyber threats like malware or viruses.


We spoke to some members of our team whose children took part in the IT Partners supported Logiscool coding course, here is what they had to say:

Why did you think Logiscool coding course would be beneficial for your children?

“The kids love being on the computer, and I really liked the idea of them learning about how to use them for good, rather than just for passive entertainment.  Having a good understanding of the basics, being taught by an expert to learn the best practice approach, be with other kids discussing ideas, and have lots of fun along the way.  The approach of learning by building games makes it interesting and relatable.” – Christine Edge, Account Manager

 “We live in a digital world, even at 5 years old I felt it was important for Olly start to learn skills in this area.” – Jason Walker, Senior Account & Business Development Manager

 “Sounded like fun way to learn new skills in an area they are really interested in ie. gaming, while meeting lots of other kids also interested in gaming and coding.” Kim Lander, Service Manager

What are some of the skills your children learnt on the course?

“Basic coding and building platformer games.”- Christine Edge

Do you think the course helped your children become a more confident and conscious user of the digital world?

“I think the course has helped them to see the beginnings of what is possible and gain the basics of how to go about learning more on their own, outside of classroom as well.” – Christine Edge

 “Yes, absolutely. We’ve given Olly an old laptop and he can confidently turn it on and log into his Logiscool account to do some of the course material (and of course play games!)”- Jason Walker

 “They certainly have an appreciation of how much effort goes into creating online games”- Kim Lander

The benefits of coding for children are immense. The fun, creativity, and interactivity it brings, not only engages children in the digital world around them but also gives them a head start for future career paths in the tech industry.  If you’re interested in finding out more about the Logiscool coding courses visit: Courses – Logiscool New Zealand.